How to fit physically?


How to fit physically?

 Proper growth and development in children leads to good health. Just knowing about height and weight, growth and development is not enough for good health. The best way to achieve good health is to be physically healthy, emotionally strong and mentally alert. Physical fitness activities can improve body shape and size, heart function, blood circulation and all internal organs and systems of the body. It helps to improve learning skills, promotes general well-being and also improves performance in sports. The teacher organizes age-appropriate physical activities to keep the children healthy and strong. The main components of physical fitness are strength, speed, endurance, flexibility and agility.

Physical fitness is defined as the general ability to defined as the general ability to adapt and respond favorably to physical efforts. It also means the ability to work everyday with enthusiasm and agility/vigilance without unwanted fatigue and to enjoy leisure time and also to deal with unforeseen crises.

Staying healthy requires physical activity such as playing sports, doing yoga and healthy eating and healthy habits.

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