and study
Language is
an essential part of human being and society. Every child learn his mother
tongue/ first language naturally without any special effort. Demonstrates these
natural instincts and characteristics of human being to learn languages as we
grow we learn more and more language in formal or informal situations. How do
we learn languages? The process of learning or acquiring a language involves
processes such as observation, classification, discovery and authentication. To
appreciate the role of language in education. We must develop a holistic view
on the form of language. It should also consider. Its interaction with other aspects of life
and society, the assumptions of language learning. How we can support the
scholar in it. Many languages are spoken in countries like india and multilingual
children are found in a single ordinary Indian classroom. Children are equipped
with their mother tongue in school and can learn the state/school language and
then they can also learn a foreign language like English. Which is considered
as a second language in most Indian situations. As a language teacher we need
to understand and reflect on how language is studied and what are the
conditions for learning a language in the context of our classroom?

When our
children enter school they come up with a language i.e. their mother tongue.
They know the mother tongue well according to their age and congnitive level.
They can talk to anyone in their language.
As language
teachers we should learn how to use language awareness and children’s knowledge
to teach first language and facilitate second and third language learning.
Linguistic awareness is that the scholar knows how words are formed by
different sounds and meaningful sentences are formed by proper arrangement of
words. It shows that they have grammar and they know how to use it. (he does
not know the rules of grammar well) we have to move on to get acquainted with a
new language like English/other language on whatever pre-knowledge the scholars
bring in their classroom.