Peer assessment


Peer assessment

 Classroom assessment is the process of giving feedback or grades or both, keeping in view the prescribed criteria regarding group member’s representations during the activity or process. In which students can be involved in determining the quality of assessment or study outcomes.

The assessment of learning is that children have developed on understanding of their own learning. It is important to emphasize this from an early grade. Reviewing each other’s work by yourself or peers helps to further improve the field. Children need to be given ample opportunities to evaluate their own work or that of their peers.


The following questions may help

  •  How well does my friend plan for an activity or visit or any other task?
  • How well can I follow the plan?
  • How can it be done differently next time?
  • Did I find it difficult?
  • How can I improve my work?
  • What grade can I give myself?

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