Some problems with math teaching in school


Some problems with math teaching in school


  •  Most children have a fear of math and a sense of failure. So they give up early and give up math education.
  • The math curriculum is frustrating for both the less talented students in giving them the challenges they need and the more students not participating in the study.
  • Example, rehearsals and evaluation methods are all mechanical and repetitive with a strong emphasis on calculation fields of mathematics, such as spatial thinking, have not been developed in the curriculum.
  • Teacher lack confidence, preparation and co-operation.


This leads us to an important question, what is the main goal of math education at school level? Do we just want to develop numerical skills in students that can make them employable or do we went to make them individuals who contribute to the social and economic development of society in the long run? Mathematics education at school level is of utmost importance for this concern of developing thoughtful persons in the society.

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